Hopi Prophecy Rock Exhibits the Choice

At the Crossroads of Human Evolution: It’s Your Call

EM Meyer


I was given a vision two nights ago. It showed me the nature of the darkness that is attempting to undermine our world and our very own sense of what it is to be human. Even now, I have not shaken the intensity around it all. Those that know me, know that I rarely point in this direction. Rather, I’m all about focusing on the grounded empowerment and spirit that is available to all. I felt no alarm during the vision. I was simply a witness to a destructive intention that seems to be picking up speed. At the end of the vision, it pointed me back to a message I received earlier this week. As with many of these transmissions, I record and file it for a future time, until I feel a nudge to share it.

I’m posting an excerpt of this message for anyone who feels an affinity to the viewpoint that we are at a very critical crossroads in consciousness, which will directly affect our collective physical reality and the future evolution of humanity. This important intersection is echoed throughout Indigenous cultures from our ancient past as well. If you are unaware of this, you might begin with the wisdom of the Mayan Calendar, as well as the Hopi Prophecies. However, we have little “time” to intellectually study and debate these matters. Based on what we have concluded is the truth or the reality in this crossroads, and whether this is achieved consciously or not, individual choices as to how we are to evolve into the future are being made.

I have been lucidly accessing this Field of Intelligence since I was informed how — via contact. Is it cosmic consciousness? I don’t know. Linear word definitions are literally an afterthought to me. I do know that spherical consciousness is something that we were designed to access naturally, but it has been buried under the rubble of shadow — all that we have been conditioned to suppress, distort, and avoid. This includes the Soul, the lost Feminine, the Grail.

My visitors showed me this, as well as a practice that anyone can do to expose and transmute the shadow: by finding our honest Voice, we balance and integrate the masculine and feminine, heart and head, inner and outer, and naturally reorient to our Original Source. As a result, we take back our projected power and worth that we were taught to easily give away. We land back home in our whole and natural state. And nobody can manipulate this.

Or, the other option is, we can continue to experience it on the collective stage — in an outer-reality play of our individual and collective shadow. In addition to this, many of the current elected (as well as backstage non-elected playwrights) are utilizing an inter-dimensional form of confusion and brainwashing that should not be underestimated. At this crossroads, if you don’t know thy (natural) Self, another concoction of reality and even a “new and improved” self will be sold to you.

Heads up. You don’t need that. Or any other version. You are already designed with exquisite technology. I’ve been practicing only a tiny fraction of what I was shown is available to us. Understand that most of those who’ve been “playing with our heads,” have no idea how powerful our rebooted heart technologies are. Or maybe they do, but they are pretty certain you are already too distant from your natural state to consciously realign to your organic evolutionary path into the future. My sources say that bioenergetic upgrades are definitely occurring within our populations, but you won’t see it on the news.

It was the 2006–2007 timeframe that I was taught, initially through a meditative-connected state, how to rise to meet this resonant field. As many experiencers will attest, it is unnecessary to translate this sound and light-based language into words, because it is a direct and instant understanding that occurs within. For me, this way of translating evolved as a temporary way to reach others through language. It’s not a perfect way, and it’s an enormous challenge because the thought-based mind is generally designed to consume and process data in its conditioned ways (within a narrow spectrum of consciousness), and remains unaware that this is so.

This is the ultimate paradox. If individual consciousness has not directly experienced the view beyond the construct, thereby transforming and resetting consciousness to be more in alignment with our natural-whole state, information that does not fall within the given spectrum is judged (made fun of) and dismissed. This leaves even the “smartest” of our populations vulnerable to the same manipulative practices. In fact, those who have learning or cognitive “disorders,” or those who haven’t found a way to fit here in the first place, may very well be the ones who snap out of this cult mentality more quickly, and rise into leadership roles.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth. Matthew 5:5

I wrote a book about what most are taught to believe is crazy — a life of contact, direct experience, and transformation. I spent every dime I had to write and publish it. I lost a few friends and I lost any last shred of a “nice” normal life. Still, on a daily basis, my crazy life seems to make more and more sense as the decade earlier, predictive messages spoke of this timing — in the 20-teens — whereby this seeming “solid outer world” would fall into confusion and chaos. And this would be the beginning of our reorientation to Truth.

A dear friend recently told me after listening to one of my 2018 transmissions, “If people didn’t know you like I do, they’d surely call you bat-shit crazy.” I can appreciate that kind of honesty.

Indeed. In this crossroads, it’s time to choose your own version of “bat-shit crazy.” As the following audio message outlines, the view that you surrender to is key to how you will experience life on earth — now and into the future. We can continue our deference to the outer-world construct and its distractions. Or we can explore our Inner-Knowing Heart that is our natural conduit to Universal Love/God/Source. This feeling pathway will align you to your truth within, and once reoriented, will effortlessly extend into resonant person, place, and thing to build community in our outer world.

Will you remain and defend your conditioning and/or addictions to the limited way things have always been? Perhaps you will easily fall prey to the latest victim-rescuer-persecutor scenario? (We’ve had a few of those over the years.) Or will you trust something much, much larger… something that cannot be defined in language or story — an actual experience of Infinite Love that transforms and restores your consciousness and world? Our only way OUT of the chaos is by going withIN. Yes, an inner Voice taught this to me, and it has never steered me wrong.

So here’s the question. Do you want your current “leaders” to point you toward their version of your evolution (i.e. artificial intelligence and transhuman technologies)? Or do you want the balance of your own inner codes and technology to ignite and evolve naturally within your body and consciousness? It is literally your call.

These messages are usually directed toward the the awakening and/or the lightworkers of the world. If it does not resonate, there is other material being presented from other sources now that may be of more interest to you. Blessings to you on your journey to wholeness.

Excerpt of an unedited transmission from the Voice.
Author-Mystic, Eileen Meyer

Eileen is an author, mystic, songstress, and always a work-in-progress. After many numinous experiences, she receives guiding messages for our evolution in consciousness and is here to help others remember this inner cosmic doorway too. She has been an invited speaker and facilitator on the topics of the Divine Feminine, evolving consciousness, and the deeper meaning of extraterrestrial, or interdimensional contact.

Eileen’s website

Eileen’s book on Amazon —
Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises
Koyopa: (n) lightning [Momos]; inner soul (receives supernatural messages)
from the Language of Mayan K’iche’. It is the Mayan term for Kundalini.

Soul Weaving Sessions for those who feel a strong purpose in these times
Eileen’s email
Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes:
Translating Infinity YouTube Channel (latest interviews, presentations, and messages from the Field)

You can support Eileen’s work by sharing this with others, or if you feel moved to help her with this project of spiritually-empowering digital content and events, you may consider making a donation via Paypal. Gratitude, and blessings to you on your own journey to the truth.



EM Meyer

I am a lifetime experiencer of “beyond what we’ve been told.” Awakening humans are ready to see, hear, and navigate to the truth of who we really are.