Beyond the Galaxy’s Edge and Back

EM Meyer
6 min readFeb 18, 2020

Maybe you aren’t aware of this yet, but it’s likely you’ve been looping inside a tiny fraction of your available consciousness. It’s the part that we are taught to believe is all of who we are and the environs in which we live. Some of us tried to adhere to that, not because we were convinced it was real, but because we had to somehow survive here without becoming unconscious servants again. Servants of what? A system that is far smaller than we were designed to be.

You see, after being taken beyond, we were given opportunities to transcend the extreme fear that arises from such encounters. I understood it to be a gap in frequency between conditioned human and higher-vibrational nonhuman intelligence. Eventually, there was a reintroduction to a felt-natural state of balance, knowing, communion, and yes, pure love. These were new emotional-physiological markers for what Life actually is — not what we were told it was. Sounds fabulous, right? No. We kept getting returned.

Due to circumstances that initially felt beyond our control, we were offered a more expansive view. And this view isn’t one that you can ignore, clearly because it has the tendency to transform the very foundation of one’s being. For me, it was like being transported beyond a virtual game, repeatedly, and then returned back to an insane asylum. I was changed, so all relational data changed. Who was relating to whom? And really, who was the crazy one?

I landed back into a world where everyone appeared to be heavily drugged and used a shared language that offered no analogous terminology for me to reach them. And when I tried, I found that the fraction of consciousness they were utilizing had already cataloged and assigned meaning to the terms (as well as the labels for someone strange like me) based on what their minds had been fed. It was a closed-circuit system.

And because these journeys began in childhood, my entire life has been in existential crisis and survival as a result.

What the possible fuck was this about?

And yet I most certainly do not identify as a victim. Well, not anymore. What was once viewed as a curse, is today most certainly a blessing.

Things got better over time when I continued to apply what I was learning through these new pathways of feeling-knowing data and communion. Even though conditions didn’t seem to be improving in the areas of “making a living” and developing authentic relations in my world, I was strengthening my core. I was syncing to something Greater than what I was conditioned to believe I could be. It felt like I was engaged in the bridging of something that existed beyond and here simultaneously — consciousness, me, I. And context really is everything.

I liken the old context as the indoctrination of park visitors into the belief that the full and complete definition of Disneyland is the predictable train ride around the perimeter. Nothing else. Of course, we did hear the stories about those really special people who directly experienced the center of the park, but they were exceptional. And we would be heretics to even think we could be or experience things like that. Our job was to magnify the gap and worship that which we are not.

I’m here to tell you that there’s far more beyond this theme park or Truman-esque reality show that is available to know and experience directly. And we don’t need worldly credentials or permission from our friends, family, or even the park producers and engineers to gain access to it. We’re wired for this direct knowing. And the closest definition that I have found in the existing world to describe it is gnosis.

Gnosis: Salvific knowing, arrived at intuitively but facilitated by various stimuli, including the teaching and mysteries brought to humans by messengers of divinity from outside the cosmos. Stephan Hoeller, Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing.

If I may return to my Disneyland analogy. Depending on the particular railcar that we the passengers were born into, most of us have explored some fun activities and distractions here, and even some profoundly touching human adventures in connection with each other and the natural world. However, this most certainly does not sum up what lies in the potentiality of all that is alive and accessible within our own bioenergetic consciousness. And yet the most difficult part of the journey in mapping these new (to us) territories is, there are no existing words or terms that convey this way of knowing. Knowing is not translatable. It’s like the data is right here, existing in all the spaces in-between what we think we know.

If we just keep looping inside “all that we are told exists,” we close ourselves off from experiencing other built-in ways of knowing.

“Who does she think she is?”

I get that a lot. I certainly don’t have the credentials that this aforementioned portion of your mind values. This makes me invisible and my voice inaudible in your worldview. But I assure you, I have far better credentials to be a reporter on transformational openings and expanded pathways in consciousness than a conventional scholar or scientist who tinkers with parts of people and “things” in a laboratory. So what does make me a self-proclaimed authority?

I am a direct experiencer of contact with nonhuman intelligence. Later, this evolved into a full Kundalini bioenergetic event. And yes, these events are connected. It seems that something “other,” or “out there,” is attempting to restore me to something that more closely resembles our natural state of consciousness. Over the years, this something kept yanking me off the consensus train and throwing me into these unknown landscapes of consciousness. When I’d return, reorient, reintegrate, and try to report about it, I became the laughing stock of those who were en-trained to the limited view.

…This understanding comes primarily through this avenue of feeling and knowing. So when you limit yourself to thought and to the intellect to organize and define you, you are fragmenting your consciousness and you will not feel the fullness that you are capable of feeling as a human being on earth. It is as simple as that. So continue welcoming the capacities, reactivating these capacities of feeling and knowing that have been judged in your past, that have been ridiculed and criticized and condemned. These capacities are re-emerging within individual consciousness… Sound of Gold Files: Message.122607

This is an example of what “they” informed me of, and still do. It is living wisdom that expands as I expand. And furthermore, I was given tools to “welcome” it. As a result of these upgrades, I can “hear” and translate energy, or wordless data. I’ve been recording these “messages” for years. I receive them through entirely different pathways of knowing.

I am in a perpetual dialog and expansion with this deeper intelligence, and I’m aware that there are others like me. As a result of these dialogs, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are incredibly powerful, interconnected, beyond-cosmic beings. And to those who’ve never been able to fit in or accept the looping reality here, I celebrate you! The good news is, you are not any of the negative things you may have been told by the looping-track production engineers and their supporters: bad, lazy, stupid, worthless, sinners. Don’t listen to them. It’s okay to attune to and listen to the deep, inner voice of your own core. We are Divine-human beings who have simply lost touch with our inherent ways of feeling, knowing and working with the vast landscapes of love and data that we are. So if I and others can provide the support, mirroring, and validation that you are meant to be here, and you do have a purpose beyond the looping train, that’s enough for me.

For now, I will continue to translate these new/ancient frontiers into the maps of what I am seeing, hearing, and exploring — from Adventureland to Tomorrowland, to beyond the Galaxy’s Edge. But what I’m truly excited about is sharing a cup of coffee or a good brew, and hearing all about your maps too.

Eileen is an author, mystic, songstress, and always a work-in-progress. She has been an invited speaker and facilitator on the topics of the Divine Feminine, evolving consciousness, and the deeper meaning of extraterrestrial, or interdimensional contact.

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Eileen’s book on Amazon —
Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises
Koyopa: (n) lightning [Momos]; inner soul (receives supernatural messages)
from the Language of Mayan K’iche’. It is the Mayan term for Kundalini.

Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes:
Translating Infinity YouTube Channel

Paypal Donations graciously received



EM Meyer

I am a lifetime experiencer of “beyond what we’ve been told.” Awakening humans are ready to see, hear, and navigate to the truth of who we really are.