ETs and Cosmic Language 101: It isn’t what you think

EM Meyer
9 min readJun 23, 2020

As a contactee, the most frequently asked question I get is, “Why aren’t they talking to us?” My answer is, they are. But we’re not tuned to their frequency, let alone our own.

It was like an inner experiment in consciousness that I couldn’t tell anyone about, let alone explain it in terms they would understand. It began as a basic commitment. Sunday mornings would be my “dialoguing” time. At the very least, I would dedicate this attention to what had been suggested by my visitors. My rational mind wanted to dismiss it all, to suppress or erase the memory of these high-vibrational visits. But something deep inside said, “What do you have to lose?” I couldn’t argue with that. With a life of contact and abduction experiences, my sense of belonging to a nice consensus reality had been robbed of me years ago. I had lost what humanity was told to live up to at all costs — normalcy. Yet from my vantage point today, I see that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Normalcy, i.e. fragmented persona-based consciousness, isn’t making us better. From a cosmic view, I can see it is costing us everything.

Today I can’t imagine navigating without this inner intelligence. It is an evolving, inter-dimensional correspondence that seemed to begin with what UFOlogists and a few rogue psychologists had termed, nonhuman intelligence. But there really are no words to suitably describe this multi-layered contact. People report contact with a variety of forms: UFOs, ETs, angels, fairies, Sasquatch, and so much more. We start off on this strange journey thinking it’s a bunch of scary, exciting, “foreign others” out there, when in fact, from an evolutionary perspective, it seems this may just be phase-one of meeting certain disembodied aspects of ourselves. And if we consistently engage and face our fears around it, these dream-like characters will begin to commune with us. As I often described in my journals, it is a feeling-knowing data that is not processed or rationally interpreted. It is absorbed. It informs in a pre-articulated way. And it’s way too thick to fit into words.

Because of my passion to reach others, to tell them about what I had discovered, about the Source technology of resonance inside every one of us, I worked very hard to translate it. Ah, but there’s the challenge. If you manage to translate it into the set of primitive building blocks we call language, it loses 99% of its meaning. Why? Because the parts of our consciousness that are designed to auto-attune and decode this knowing data are dormant. That’s right, these aspects of ourselves will begin to vibrate and “send” data to us when we actively engage and reintegrate these very pieces of soul that we were taught to dismiss so long ago. I know it as the Divine Feminine, the Mother, and our interconnectivity to what is true, natural, and authentic — both inside and out. And I found that no amount of my dancing around, waving my arms, and shouting at people to hear me through the frosted-glass partition would penetrate this lower-frequency matrix. Eventually, I stopped trying so hard. Each individual must choose to dissolve that wall through their own will.

Those of us who were taken on trips beyond this consensus wall, who felt and integrated some of this lost feminine essence, can see that there is still a large swath of the collective who have no idea that they are missing this vital essence of Love. Many of us were shown what would happen to our world if we did not awaken to this soon. We’re just beginning to see it now. Still, through the disconnected 3D lens, we, the ones talking about love, are referred to as the stark-raving lunatics.

It took many years to get here, to what feels like an elementary understanding of this Cosmic Language course. In this vast multidimensional network, one doesn’t just casually start talking to them out of the left side of the brain. The 101 level is to humbly get to know thySelf. In fact, they taught me a simple practice for observing and activating my emotional awareness, conveying that it was key to essentially coming back online with the Unified Field — the mother-of-all broadbands. I learned that the fastest way to jump-start our inner modems is through the practice of self-observation. Oh, and just a word of caution. If you are talking with ETs and angels “out there,” and they are not pointing you to this inner technology — beware. There are always tricksters who are more than willing to take you for a ride. I was shown repeatedly that this natural technology is dormant, encoded within us, and it is a crucial piece to solving this seeming paradox of consciousness. Resonance is the key to unlocking and restoring our original multidimensional design. I couldn’t give you a technical definition of this resonance, but I certainly know what it feels like, and what it can do to expand our horizons.

They elaborated on this practice over time, “Your feminine-emotional nature is key. Know what you feel (local consciousness) so that you can feel what you KNOW (nonlocal consciousness),” and, “You talked yourself out of the Truth. You can talk yourself back into it.” Later they would add,

Truth is the only way to break the spell that we are collectively under.

Truth is how we jumpstart resonant access to the Field.

Truth is how we transcend this lower-dimensional matrix.

Yes, I am most definitely saying that I had contact with spaceships, ETs, angels, and elementals. But that was then. This Intelligence appeared in many forms in the beginning — entering my sleep time and in-between states, and guiding me into lucidity and extended travels beyond this physical plane. My journey in consciousness was one that filled the emotional spectrum of sheer terror to ecstasy. This, I later understood, was my initiation into entry-level cosmic communication. In order to understand how to speak to them, I had to know what Love actually was — the harmonic medium in which all benevolent beings in the Universe communed. I had to die many deaths before I not only heard this, but I realized I was this. What I mean is, that I had to be taken to the brink of death every time they would visit. Their vibration was so high that all of the pain, shame, and secrets stuffed inside me could no longer remain hidden. All the monsters and demons that I thought were going to hurt or kill me “out there” did not actually exist — out there. I had projected all of what I had denied or hidden inside of me, onto them. And they know this. They understand this. And they are willing to love us through this.

I experienced the big-eyed gray, mantid, reptile, shiny-light-being, flying orb, and tall, Golden-Angel kind of Truth peering deeply into my soul. All of them broadcasting Truth. And Truth, like a tuning fork, demands that we rise to meet it. Nothing untrue will remain in the wake of this unfathomable harmonic force, no matter what we tell ourselves with our thinking minds. We either fear it and run, or we turn toward it and remember.

As a child, I knew and loved the tall golden ones. Why had these visitors become so terrifying later in life? I learned that this question could be answered by, when did the indoctrination into smallness begin? When did I start lying about who I really was? If we want to reconnect with them, we must be as a little child again and be truthful about who we are. In other words, know thyself, and embody thy True Self. When we bridge this gap, everything begins to make far more sense.

Become yourself. Then God and the Devil don’t matter.

— “Meetings with Remarkable Men,” GI Gurdjieff

I attribute the metamorphosis of my consciousness to my willingness to engage and apply what I was given from these “visits.” This is what I refer to as the third evolutionary phase of my contact. Since 2005, I made significant progress with it because I had the will to tune out my programming from the world and tune into “IT.” And “IT” was not detectable inside well-worn grooves of thought or existing frames. In fact, it was completely off the rails, the very thing I was accused of being. As strange as it sounds, it was more like a dedicated line into something completely indefinable. However, what emerged over time were documented patterns of consistency in messaging. I began translating or decoding these packages of frequency data, and all messages seemed to fall under the header of, HEY! Human beings are far more than what they’ve been told… Hello… hello… Can you hear me now?

Now, the “new to you” forms of mediumship and communion, referred to as channeling in the past, and we refer to it as quantum communion at this time, is there is a switching on of this new pathway, this wide-open pathway with your heart consciousness to perceive data that does not need to be reduced to words for you to understand. You have the capacity, every one of you, to absorb this field of data, of wisdom, of love. You absorb it through your skin, through your bones, your blood. All of your wiring is in place to instantaneously understand. So, we would say that even though there are words streaming through in this particular human, we are only doing so temporarily so that we may show up on your radar. You will find that once we sense that this is being employed by more and more humans in this fashion, this direct quantum communion, there will be no need for words. It does not mean that words are bad. Words can be very beautiful, as in poetry and lyrics, story. It is simply that your comprehension capacity is so much greater than what you were told. So we are here to encourage you to kick this into gear.”

Sound of Gold Files: DisinformationToQuantumCommunion.071615

If one does not resonate with what Love actually is, and how we are made of this Love, any linear placement of words to describe it will be rejected. It is a felt language. And this feeling language has informed me that most of the beyond-the-matrix contact happening “out there,” is a loving intention to meet you where your primary attention lies. Then, if you continue listening, it will point you back toward your own inner-cosmic telephone. Initially, they are willing to type out cryptic phrases and emoji texts from the sky. However, they’d much prefer that you engage your own Creator-given gifts of multidimensional communion. Believe me, things get far more interesting when you’re willing to hook up your own inner conduit to the ocean of consciousness within.

So if you’re tired of living in a limited, dualistic, warring world, and you dream of boarding a spaceship and flying out of this matrix once and for all, know that you can. But you must consciously engage with the inner navigator, reclaim your authority to pilot, be one with your ship, and transcend it yourself. Tune into the true frequency of you, and the rest takes care of itself.

Eileen is an author, mystic, songstress, and always a work-in-progress. She has been an invited speaker and facilitator on the topics of the Divine Feminine, evolving consciousness, and the deeper meaning of extraterrestrial, or interdimensional contact.

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Eileen’s book on Amazon —
Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises
Koyopa: (n) lightning [Momos]; inner soul (receives supernatural messages)
from the Language of Mayan K’iche’. It is the Mayan term for Kundalini.

Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes:
Translating Infinity YouTube Channel

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EM Meyer

I am a lifetime experiencer of “beyond what we’ve been told.” Awakening humans are ready to see, hear, and navigate to the truth of who we really are.