Motion, by Lusius Malfoy-Datooaj

The Divine Feminine. What Does it Have to do with Angels and ETs?

EM Meyer
8 min readJul 13, 2019

I have lived a life that many would find terrifying. It was filled with scary encounters with scary beings, and some were even human. All were catalytic. Today my life has its gorgeous moments of course, but in order to launch into my own hero’s journey decades ago, I needed a few good shoves. Eventually, a radical shift in perception was necessary in order to truly appreciate the magnificence of the Divine Feminine within. From my vantage point today, I am able to see that it was this inner movement that began to dissolve the unconscious quarry of debris. It had nearly buried Her alive. She was just left there, forgotten, like an ancient relic. Of course, we can imagine that she was once highly prized and purposeful at one time, but in today’s busy world, who can be bothered with these old stories? Even I would’ve never uncovered Her, and the absolute wonder of human consciousness, if they hadn’t kept shaking me awake.

A page from my journal

It felt like I had a whole team of angels flying in and out of my life. Yes, even some of the ones that I used to think were scary. For those who don’t know me, I have referred to this as Evolutionary Contact. What I’ve learned is, some of us had pre-life intentions to receive a wake-up call at this crossroads in time. (Trust me, you don’t want to oversleep. They are sticklers for keeping their commitments.)

If the soul has a specific intent to be lucid in these times, a higher-vibrational presence, or even outer-world events such as loss, illness or accident, may arrive to interrupt our deep-sleep programming. If we don’t consciously choose to engage, an accelerated path into facing and transforming our greatest fears is seemingly chosen for us. I found that if we’re willing to respond to what the fear is saying, and we have the courage to keep leaning into it — seeing, welcoming, and healing these neglected pieces of ourselves — a conscious reunion with the Divine Light is certain, and with our multidimensional relations that vibrate here as well.

As far as ET-oriented events, many have speculated as to why humanity hasn’t been able to “meet” these beings face to face, as in the proverbial landing on the White House lawn. From my own lifetime of direct experience, and through the evolutionary arc of the terrifying to the numinous, I found that it’s because we have yet to fully meet ourselves.

In hindsight, I realize that for me it was never about the objects of paranormal or ET phenomenon “out there.” It was more like these inter-dimensional beings were saying, “Hey, don’t make this about us. We’re just here to remind you that the Truth, and everything you need, is within you. And by the way, it’s ‘go’ time.”

As a result of these repeated mystical encounters, I found myself navigating the waters beyond what we’ve been told, and even sailed into what is considered taboo. These tastings of infinity were radically changing my consciousness, thereby exhausting my efforts to keep face within the theater of normal. I recall the agonizing pain of “blending and pretending” back into the cultural patterns of daily human life, along with maintaining my own dignity despite the whispery judgments of family and friends. Through it all, I managed to stay tethered to this new data, these new vistas of feeling-knowing Love, while continuing to strengthen my own inner guidance system. I had experienced the vibrational Truth of who we are — not in my imagination, but in my physical body. This Intelligent Field of Love wasn’t just changing my mind, it was changing every cell of my being.

Occasionally I would lose touch with the greater context that was developing through my experiences, and a profound loneliness would consume me. I longed for a human community, one in which I could live authentically. While it would take many years to discover others like myself, at this stage in my life I was feeling the pressure to conform. Nevertheless, just as I would give in and start to dress up in the roles and identities that were expected of me, someone or something larger would happen along to snap me out of it. Although I’ve slipped backward many times, I never completely fell back into the deeper conditioning, a.k.a., comfortably numb states of consciousness again.

After repeated journeys, I found that I was acclimating to the universal language of frequency. It was like I was remembering something innate; something that I could do quite naturally. Concurrently, I was developing an ability to empathically see into the spiritual-emotional states of the people around me, as well as intuit the collective state of consciousness. While some of these shamanic abilities had already surfaced in childhood, my lifetime contact with More had gifted me with a rich understanding of this feeling trajectory into wholeness. In fact, what I finally grokked was that this is the key to restoring our original design or natural state — an absolute must if humanity, with Soul intact, is to survive in these times.

The downloads I received from higher-frequency intelligence revealed the harmful consequences of stuck, unconscious emotions, and our collective acceptance of this as “normal.” This is the very debris that blocks the doorway to the restoration of our original Divine essence, and by consciously meeting this pain, our greater gifts will come to light. As we initiate our vibrational journey Home, we learn that Home is not a distant location, but rather our natural state of wholeness. It is here that the Divine Mother, Father, and our very own core essence, is felt, healed and reunified. And this is the crucible where we may welcome a greater context or spectrum of consciousness — one that brings light to all that we once assumed would remain an eternal mystery.

This is where we become the answers to all the questions we thought we had.

Photo by Jerry Cooper, Conscious Living and Dying Conference, April 2019, Pueblo, CO

Through a communion state, I was given a set of emotional-awareness tools, and I have been applying them in my own life for over 15 years. This intentional practice has propelled me into previously unknown territories of consciousness — always with an Inner Guide or Voice that manifests to teach and inspire every step of the way. For me, this alignment occurred following a full Kundalini awakening in 1998. He manifested the brightness of His light in my forehead, and it burned my eyes even as they were closed. It was this Light that informed me: He was my Beloved and Guide. However, He did caution me from projecting any known or past definitions about who he was and how this would go. I was to directly feel and attune to His Love in each present-moment meeting. This spiritual partnership has been resonating me forward ever since.

I now teach others that this Guide is pure Loving energy, and can manifest as any treasured spiritual being or archetype that one chooses. No matter what we name this facilitator being, He/She arrives when we have a demonstrated commitment to facing and moving our fears up and out of the unconscious realm. It is here that they are witnessed and released. Why is this important? Because it is not possible to carry our bundle of fear across the threshold into these new higher-vibrational realities. Fear has crowded out the Divine Feminine Light for millennia, and it must be moved. She, and we must rise to our full and integrated power now.

Even though all humans are given this opportunity to evolve, some will still choose to remain within the polarized conditioning, with what they have perceived to be “safe,” the known, or within the echo-chambers of collective fear. Many experiencers report that they were given a universal view of where these unconscious choices would lead, for both the Earth and humanity. I can say first hand, it is not one that anyone of us, in our right mind and heart, would choose.

It is far easier to meet the darkness within than to war with it in the outer world.

As my Guide informed me many times, the 20-teens and early 2020s are our own personal choosing time. Will it be further limitation? Or are we willing to heal and open to our Divine Fullness and Freedom?

I, and other experiencers like myself, have often felt that we were part of a forced program to examine life more deeply. We felt violated and confused by these seeming intrusions into our fixed lives. And yes, through the lens of a fragmented mind I may have viewed it all as a curse back then, but today I have a wholly different view. Today I celebrate the blessing of it all. Every bit of it. My story is our story, and it’s why I am sharing it along with the tools.

When conscious intent and dialog are applied to light up these shadowy places within, things will definitely move. With a dedicated practice, ecstatic communion states can occur as the Light of the Father regains access to the newly-freed Will of the Mother. This is where Spirit marries matter, and our biology responds with not only the pure bliss and ecstasy of this union, but now it has the Lifeforce it needs to evolve into its full potential — the birth of the wholly Divine-Human Child into the world. Indeed, some say the much-heralded second arrival of Christ may be manifesting through consciousness; within each and every one of us. If so, it might be best to tidy up and clear the way.

Eileen is an author, mystic, songstress, and a work-in-progress. After many numinous experiences, she receives guiding messages for our evolution in consciousness, and is here to help others remember this inner cosmic doorway too. She has been an invited speaker and facilitator on the topics of evolving consciousness and the deeper meaning of extraterrestrial contact.

Eileen’s website
Soul Weaving Sessions
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Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes:
or Music on CDBaby
Eileen’s book on Amazon — Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises
Koyopa: (n) lightning [Momos]; inner soul (receives supernatural messages)
from the Language of Mayan K’iche’. It is the Mayan term for Kundalini.
New Translating Infinity YouTube Channel. Please subscribe!

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EM Meyer

I am a lifetime experiencer of “beyond what we’ve been told.” Awakening humans are ready to see, hear, and navigate to the truth of who we really are.